Sunday, November 27, 2016

And so it begins ...

... the quietest time of the year, if you want it to be. Just tune out the world and do your own thing.
Yesterday I assembled this year's advent candles and I am happy with the result. I got inspired when I found a box of very old (think pre-move) white candles. The bowl and the candle holders were dug out and the greens come from our yard - cedar, boxwood and rosemary. The cats don't like the smell of the rosemary so they stay away from it. I'll still hide it during the night though, just in case.


Es treibt der Wind im Winterwalde
die Flockenherde wie ein Hirt
und manche Tanne ahnt wie balde
sie fromm und lichterheilig wird.
Und lauscht hinaus: den weißen Wegen
streckt sie die Zweige hin - bereit
und wehrt dem Wind und wächst entgegen
der einen Nacht der Herrlichkeit.

  Rainer Maria Rilke

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