Friday, January 16, 2015

Haekeldecke 2015/Crochet Blanket 2015

Bella, over at herzensuess, is hosting a lovely project for this year. Making a crochet blanket, little by little, a piece every day. And since I really do not have enough projects lined up for this year yet (cough, cough), I decided to join in the fun. I will us this pattern and leftover yarn from previous projects. Here are my beginning squares.

Bella von herzensuess und Simone von lilabuntes haben zum diesjährigen 365-Tage-Projekt aufgerufen, und ich mache mit. Es wird eine Hakeldecke entstehen. Hier ist mein Anfang.


Tracey ~ Clover said...

Very nice,
You can never have enough projects right? ;)
Enjoy a great weekend. The sun is just now starting to break through the clouds here so it looks like we may finally be done with the rain!

herzensüß said...

Der Anfang ist gemacht und ich freue mich schon auf das Bild der fertigen Decke. Schön, dass du dabei bist. Bella